Feb 6, 2012

Women insurance

Women Car Insurance...

For all of us in the insurance and reinsurance industry, we recognize the unique challenges we have faced this year with world-wide catastrophic events, including earthquakes, tsunamis, tornados, hurricanes and flooding.
What is health insurance?
Health insurance is a formal agreement to provide and/or pay for medical care. The health insurance policy describes what medical services are "covered" by the insurance company. There are medical services that are not "covered" and will not be paid by your insurance company.
There are a variety of private and public health insurance programs. Most women obtain health insurance through their employer or as a "dependent" in a family plan. There also are public health insurance plans funded by the federal and state governments.
More than 17 million women (nearly one in five) age 18 to 64 are uninsured in the United States. As health insurance costs soar, employers cut benefits, or jobs disappear, millions of people slip through the cracks and lose their coverage. These are working Americans who make too much money to qualify for Medicaid, but don't have enough money to buy health insurance. Also, women are twice as likely as men to be insured as a "dependent" on a spouse's plan. So, she risks losing coverage if she divorces, is widowed, or if her spouse loses his job.
Uninsured women are more likely to suffer serious health problems. They tend to wait too long to seek treatment, and many don't fill needed prescription drugs because of cost. Also many don't get preventive care, including lifesaving screening tests such as mammorgrams and Pap tests. The lack of health insurance can even be deadly as research has shown that uninsured adults are more likely to die earlier than those who have insurance.

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